Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lesson 30 (I am sick and tired!!!) some sentences

Lesson 30: Sample Sentences

Eewin jih-ya: I am tired
eewin: I am
jih-ya: tired

Eewin kry-ha: I am sick
eewin: I am
kry-ha: tired

Note: The obvious next sentence is of course...
Eewin jih-ya wih kry-ha: I am sick and tired
(All words translated above)
It-ly/it-tee mara b-aq-ly: I have a pain in my foot
it-tee/it-ly: I have
mara: pain
b: in
aq-ly: my foot (a contraction of the words 'aqla dee-yee')

K-'ajib-ly 'wādha d-eekhāla: I enjoy to prepare food
K-'ajib-ly: I enjoy
'wādha: to prepare
eekhāla: food

Eelip-ly rkhāsha kud win-wa til-lath shinni
: I learned to walk when I was 3 (years old)
eelip-ly: I learned
rkhāsha: to walk
kud win-wa: when I was
til-lath: three
shinni: years

k-khash-win lāzim d-ra'shookh l-umthan d-eelih bi-myātha: I think that we need to become aware of our dying culture
k-khash-win: I think
lāzim: need
d-ra'shookh: we become aware
l-umthan: our culture/nation
d-eelih bi-myātha: is dying

kibin d-yādhin tad maH-kin surath randa: I want to know how to speak surath very well
kibin: I want
d-yādhin: to know
tad maH-kin: how to speak
randa: well

eewin beelApa qraya d-surath: I am learning to read surath
eewin: I am
beelApa: learning (progressive tense)
qraya: to read
d-surath: Surath

bid yalpin dikh d-kathwy surath: I will learn how to write surath:
bid yalpin: I will learn
dikh: how
d-kathwy: they write
surath: surath
(literally "I will learn how they write Surath.")

eelip-ly maHkoye surath kud win-wa yala zora: I learned how to speak surath when I was a child
eelip-ly: I learned
maHkoye: to speak
surath: Surath
kud: when
win-wa; I was
yala zora: a small child

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