ROOT: ‘wadh (ܥܘܲܕܼ)
TENSE: "Past/Preterite"
This is a different kind of conjugation, one which contains the object as well as the subject of the verb.
"kim" is a sort of particle that comes at the beginning. I'm not sure of its function exactly, except that it designates this conjugation (maybe we could call it the "objective past" because it is past tense and it contains the object) and it messes with the vowels slightly.
So, there's a big old mess of conjugations for this, because there are many combinations:
"I" (ܐܵܢܲܐ)
kim awdhin ny: "I made me/myself"
kim awdhin nookh: "I made you"
kim awdhin nih: "I made him/it"
kim awdhin nan: "I made us"
kim awdhin nokhoon: "I made ye/y'all"
kim awdhin nay: "I made them"
Note: This can mean BOTH "I made him" where "him" is the result of the making AND "I made FOR him..."
"YOU" (ܐܵܝܸܬ)
kim awdhit ty: "you made me"
kim awdhit tookh: "you made yourself"
kim awdhit tih: "you made him"
kim awdhit tan: "you made us"
kim awdhit tokhoon: "you made ye/y'all"
kim awdhit tay: "you made them"
kim awidh ly: "he made me"
kim awidh lookh: "he made you"
kim awidh lih: "he made him"
kim awidh lan: "he made us"
kim awidh lokhoon: "he made ye/y'all"
kim awidh lay: "he made them."
This third person is the "purest" of them, since the "L" indicating the object is still there. In the first and second persons, the "L" is absorbed sometimes, depending on the root. The Assyrians are better at retaining the "L" as a rule.
This conjugation exists for the plural as well, and for all transitive verbs:
Some more sample sentences, just for fun...
kim mathukh lih = "we brought him"
Once the conjugation is defined and you understand it, you should be able to piece together pretty much whatever you want.
"Kim awdhin ih hehr tahlogh in eewit ohkah rendah, brohnee."
Kim awdhin ih = I made it
hehr = just
ta-lookh = for you
in = because/if
eewit = you are
ohkah = highly/that much
randa = good
bro-nee = my son
"In eewit OORZA, PLUT!"
In = if
Ee-wit = you are
oorza = "a man/a tough guy"
ploot = "get up/come out!"
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