Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lesson 9: Vocabulary from the neck up


Today we are going to focus on vocabulary relating to the human body from the neck, up.

Head - resha

Hair - kosih

Ear - nātha
Ears - nathyātha

Eye - aena
Eyes - aenih

Eye Brows - bigweene
Eye Brow(s)-  gwyeena (gnywih) d'a'ynih

From "The First English-Chaldean Dictionary" by S. David (1924)

Sideburns - (currently unknown)

Nose - poqa

Beard - daqna

Mouth - kimma

Tooth - kāka
Teeth - kākih

Tongue - looshāna

Face - pātha

Lips - siptha (plural: sipwātha)

Neck - pāqartha