OK, so we are learning the building blocks for a language. The following verbs have been covered in the last four lessons:
TO BE (ܗܘܐ)
Past, Present, and Future
TO GO (ܐܸܙܲܠ)
Past, Present, Future, and Progressive
TO MAKE/DO (ܥܘܲܕܼ)
We have also learned the following:
• Numbers (1-5)
• School Vocabulary
• Negatives and Questions
Let’s begin Lesson 5 with Questions, which are important when learning any language.
In English, the common phrase is “Who, what, where, when, why, and how?”
We’ll begin with these, plus a couple more:
Who? - mā-nee?
Whose? d'mā-nee?
What? - ma-ha? (Only when "what" stands alone)
What/How? - mā**
What For? - tā ma-ha?
What is it? - meelih?
Where? - eae-ka? (yen) kaela?*
From Where? - min d'aeykā?
From Here - min d'ākha
When? - ee-mahn?
Why? - qay?
Which? - aey-mā?
Which one of them? - aeymā minnaey?
What For? - ta-ma-ha?
How? - dikh?
How many? - (oo)kma?
How much? - mā-qa?
How often? - kod māqā?
Isn't he? - laelih?
Isn't she? - laelah?
Aren't they? - laelay?
Note: the Q sound in surath is not the same as the Q sound in English. It is a hard sound that comes from the throat, as in the words shwiq-lukh (you left) or qee-dha (burnt)
* I’m still not quite sure what the difference is between eae-ka and Kaela
** mā = closer to “how” than to “what” though it can mean both. Not quite sure what situations call for mā and what situations call for ma-ha
Hopefully you recall numbers 0-5 in both masculine and feminine forms. Now we are going to learn 5-10.
** Remember: It is not the speaker, but the OBJECT, that determines whether masculine and feminine numerals are used.
** Note: ’a is used to denote a sound which is not used in the English language. The sound comes from deep within the throat. An example of two words that use the ‘a are: ‘at-oo (Last Name), or ‘amba.
6 - ishit
7 - eash-waa
8 - tmanae
9 - tesha
10 - esar
6 - ishta
7 - shoa’a
8 - tmanya
9 - tish’a
10 - esra
ROOT: ‘wadh (ܥܘܲܕܼ)
I make/do - āna k-aw-dhin
You (m) make/do - āyit k-aw-dhit
You (f) do/make - āyat k-aw-dhat
He makes/does - āwo k-aw-idh
She does/makes - āya k-aw-dhah
We make/do - akhny k-aw-dhukh
Ye/Yall do/make - akhtu(n) k-aw-dhutu(n)
They make/do - anay k-aw-dhy
Kaela is where is it and eae-ka is where
ReplyDeleteeae-ka is where and kaela is where is it