"A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the preposition.
A preposition usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the sentence"
So without further ado, here are prepositions in Surath:
- about - illid
- above - l'el min
- across - lobar min
- after - bathar
- against - darqul
- along - lkhabar min
- among - benath
- around - khawidhranid
- at - illid
- before - qam
- behind - bathar
- below - khothid
- beneath - khothid
- beside - l-dipnid
- between - benath
- beyond - lobar min
- but - illa
- by - b
- despite -________
- down - l-tekh
- during - egaha
- except - illa
- for - ta
- from - min
- in - b
- inside - bgo
- into - bgo
- like - khwathid
- near - qarywa min
- of - d
- off - min
- on - il
- onto - illid
- out - baray min
- outside - baray
- over - l-qarid / l-reshid
- past - lobar min
- since - min degaha
- through - bgo
- throughout - ______________
- till - hil
- to - l
- toward - l
- under - khothid
- underneath - khothid
- until - hil
- up - ______________
- upon - illid
- with - immid
- within - bgo
- without - dla